The Queen Mother’s Favourite Cake
The Queen Mother’s Favourite Cake I have been given this recipe by several people over the years, so I thought it perhaps about time I made and posted it. On every WI copy I have seen, is the proviso that it must only be made to be sold in aid of a charitable organisation. So I hope, as I pass it on, you will use this the next time you are asked to bake a cake! Line a Swiss Roll tin, about 9” x 12” with foil, building it up well at the sides. Pre heat your fan over to “moderate” ie 160C Pour a cup of boiling water over a cup [about 4 oz] of chopped dates and 1 teaspoonful of bicarbonate of soda. Let it stand to cool. 6 oz caster sugar 2 oz soft butter 6 oz plain flour 2 oz chopped walnuts, plus a few for the top 1 beaten egg 1 small teaspoon vanilla extract ½ teaspoon salt Mix together then add to the date mixture, stirring well. Tip into your prepared tin and bake for 35 mins. Topping: 5 tablespoons soft light brown sugar 2 tablespoons butter 2 tablespoons of cream from the...