
Showing posts from January, 2023

Celeriac salad on grilled celeriac on celeriac cream. With blue cheese and crispy toast Recipe

Peel a large   celeriac First we need 3 thin slices, each the thickness of a matchstick. Then cut them into long matchsticks. Boil them briefly -about 90 sec- in salted water. Spoon them out (keep the water) and rinse under cold water and reserve in a bowl. Now we need two 15 mm slices of celeriac, then use a serving ring to cut out 10cm 'hamburgers' . Hack the rest of the celeriac and boil in the salted water with 2 peeled cloves of garlic . Heat a grillpan and pre-heat the oven to 175°C Brush the 'hamburgers' with  olive oil , then grill them in the very hot pan, after a couple of minutes turn them 90 degrees to create a nice cross pattern. Transfer them to an oven plate, season with pepper and salt and sprinkle with za'atar. Put them in the oven for 15 mins Slice 1/2  baguette thinly, toast in butter till nice and crispy. Tale the bowl with the celeriac julienne and add glugs of olive oil and white wine vinegar, 1/2 tsp whole grain mustard and