Tapas, part 3

Potatoes, mushrooms, shallots, parsley and a coulis from red paprika's

Slice 2 potatoes and boil them in salted water for 5 mins. Then fry them with some finely chopped garlic in one pan, the 4 thickly sliced (big) mushrooms in another pan. Dry the mushrooms on kitchen paper. Use the same pan to fry some chopped shallots and parsley. The coulis we had in the fridge, made from bell peppers that first have been blackened under the grill, then after the skin was taken of, liquidised in the blender.

Serve as shown
A circle of potatoes
The mushrooms on top of them
Followed by the shallots and parsley
Topped by the coulis

Toast with guacamole and smoked salmon

Potato, sardines, courgette

Use an apple corer to create 6 cylinders from 2 small potatoes. Cut off the skinned ends and boil them in salted water for about 6 mins. In the meantime slice lenghtwise 2 small courgettes.
Grill them in an oiled griddlepan, about 4 mins on each side. Add the potatoes. Replace the courgettes with sardines fillets.

Put the sardines on the courgettestrips
Place the potatoes in the middle
Dribble some paprika coulis over it
Roll up
Or not

Asparagus, horseradish-mayonaise, smoked salmon

Boiled ham, ratatouille, omelette, panfried ham

Peach, goat's cheese, panfried Spanish ham


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