Pigeon two ways

Start a day in advance by with preparing a hot oven, 250 C is what we need. In the meantime remove both legs and breasts from the bird. Or birds if you have guests. Put the carcass in the oven till almost burned, about 10- 15 mins should do it. Take out and turn the heat to 80 C.
Hack the carcass in 4 or 5 pieces and add them to a liter and half of cold water, in a big pan.
The add 2 bayleaves, 2 halved onions (skin on, to colour the stock), 2 halved tomatoes, 2 carrots sliced into chunks, some thyme and a clove of garlic. Simmer for 6 to 12 hours.

Put the legs in a ovenproof saucepan, not too big, they should just fit. Cover with duck- or goosefat and put them in the cooled-down ( 80C) oven for about an hour and a half to make a confit.
The breasts, in clingfilm,are left in the fridge

Overnight leave the legs in the fat.

The next day strain the stock trough a fine sieve, discard the rest (or take the meat and skin from the bones and give it to your dog). Reduce the stock till syropy. Our supermarket sells a nice readymade coulis of red fruits which I use as a secret ingredient to sweeten the sauce. But you can make your own coulis or use 1 or 2 tbsp of jam.

Then prepare whatever you want to serve with the bird. Today I used some beetroot, carrot and haricots vert . Plus some leftover gratin dauphinois from the freezer.

Finally fry the breasts and the legs, about 3 mins on the skin side then another 2 on the other side, they should stay reddish and season with salt and pepper.


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