cingur salad ( Rujak cingur )

cingur salad ( Rujak cingur ) recipes

one of the most in looking for food in eastern Java is Rujak cingur. Rujak cingur is one of traditional food from the city of Surabaya, East Java.
cingur salad is usually accompanied with a variety of vegetables such as spinach, bean sprouts, long beans, fried tofu, fried tempeh, and a variety of fruits such as jicama, cucumber, young mango, and kedondong. There are also additional crackers.

cingur salad ( Rujak cingur ) ingredients:
1 piece (300 g) firm tofu
1 piece (250 grams) tempeh
1 bunch (175 g) spinach, boiled
100 grams of bean sprouts, boiled
500 grams cingur
1 piece (150 g) cucumber, cut into pieces
1 piece (200 grams) mengkel mango, cut into pieces
1 piece (350 grams) jicama, cut into pieces
5 pieces of rice cake
3 tablespoons fried onions for topping
100 grams of starch crackers
oil for frying

Seasoning mashed:
1/2 pieces (40 grams) of plantain, sliced
3 pieces of red chili
3 tablespoons peanut
2 1/2 teaspoons brown sugar comb
2 cloves of garlic
1/2 teaspoon shrimp paste, fried
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 1/2 tablespoons of paste
1 tablespoon tamarind water (1 teaspoon of tamarind and 1 tablespoon water)
50 ml of water

How to Make cingur salad ( Rujak cingur ) :
Boil cingur with 2 bay leaves, 2 cm ginger, 1 teaspoon salt, and 1,500 ml of water until tender. Set aside.
Marinate the tempeh and tofu in 100 ml of water and 1 teaspoon salt. Fry until cooked.
Grind, stone bananas, red chillies, peanuts, brown sugar, garlic, shrimp paste, and salt.
Enter the paste and tamarind water. Grind finely. Pour water. Flat grind.
Sliced ​​tofu, tempeh, cingur, cucumber, mango, and jicama on a mortar.
Enter kale, sprouts, and sliced ​​rice cake. Stir until blended.
Serve with a sprinkling of fried shallots.


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