peria and anchovy fried with egg recipes

peria and anchovy fried with egg

Peria fruit , fruit that is known for it bitter taste . Peria has the Latin name Momordica charantia . The fruit have oval shaped and has freckles on it skin. Peria usually consumed with boiled ( as a salad ) , pan-fried , or be part of a hodgepodge.

There are so much content of vitamins and minerals in Peria fruit with the content of fitokimianya as saponins , flavonoids , polyphenols , cucurbitacin glycosides , momordicin , trichosanat acid , and  charatin . In addition , bitter peria contain fiber , vitamin A , vitamin C , calcium , phosphorus , and iron are very useful for the body .

ingredient peria and achovy fried with egg:
- 500 grm peria thinly sliced
- 250 grm ancovy

seasoing peria and anchovy fried with egg :
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 5 tablespoon vegetable oil
- 5 red chilie, sliced
- 5 green chillie , sliced
- 10 Thai pepper / bird's eye chili pepper
- 2 tablespoon sugar
- 2 egg mix

how to make peria and anchovy fried with egg:
1. coat and squeeze peria with salt until withered. let stand 10 minutes. and clean
2. heat 2 tablespoon vegetable oil. fried peria until coocked. left and dry
3. heat 3 tablespoon vegetable oil. add sugar, salt, peria, ancovy and egg and mix together
4. coocking until coocked. lift and serve


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