Indonesian laurel / Indonesian bay leaf = Daun salam

Indonesian laurel / Indonesian bay leaf = Daun salam

indonesian laurel / indoneisan bay is the name of the herb leaf-producing trees are used in cooking indonesia. in English is known as indonesian bay leaf / indonesian laurel.

indonesian Bay leaves/ indonesian laurel are used primarily as a cooking spice fragrances in a number of countries in Southeast Asia, good for cooking meat, fish, vegetables, and rice. This leaves mixed in one piece, dried or fresh, and also cooked up the food cooked. [4] This spice gives a distinctive herbs aroma, but not hard. In the market and in the kitchen, greeting often paired with "laos" aka galangal.

The wood is reddish orange brown and medium quality. Wood timber belonging to the chelate (trade name) can be used as building materials and home furnishings. The bark of salam tree contains tannin ,  often used as Ubar (for coloring and preserving) mesh, woven material of bamboo and others. The bark and leaves are used as traditional ingredients to cure stomach ache. people is Eaten salam fruit as well, although only children who love it.

Traditionally, indonesian bay leaves/ indonesian laurel are used as an upset stomach. indonesian Bay leaves can also be used to stop excessive defecation. indonesia Laurel can also be used to overcome gout, stroke, high cholesterol, blood circulation, gastroenteritis, diarrhea, rashes, diabetes, and others.

indonesian bay leaf/ indonesian laurel trees spread in Southeast Asia, from Burma, Indochina, Thailand, the Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Borneo and Java. This tree is found growing wild in the forests of primary and secondary, began from the beach to a height of 1,000 m (in Java), 1,200 m (in Sabah) and 1300 m (in Thailand); most of the trees making under the canopy. [4] In addition indonesian laurel planted in gardens and lands yard agroforestry others, especially to take leaves. Wild bay leaves almost never used in cooking, but because it smells a little different and less fragrant, wild greeting also cause a bitter taste.

Source. id.wikipedia


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