tofu bakwan ( bakwan tahu )

tofu bakwan ( bakwan tahu )

tofu is food easily found in indonesia.  made by coagulating soy milk and then pressing the resulting curds into soft white blocks. It is a component in East Asian and Southeast Asian cuisines.
in Indonesia tofu can be processed into a variety of foods. but this time i will share how to make tofu bakwan

tofu bakwan ingeredients :

- 100 grm tofu
- celery leaves ( thinly sliced )
- 50 grm bean sprout
- 1 egg
- 300 ml vegetable oil ( to fry )

tofu bakwan seasoing :

- 5 red onion
- 3 garlic
- 1/2 teaspon white pepper
- 1/2 teaspon salt
- 1/2 teaspoon coriander

how to make tofu bakwan:

- mashed tofu and mix together with bean sprout, celery leaves and egg
- stir dough until thoroughly blended
- mashed all seasoing and mixed with dough
- mold dough like picture
- fry dough lift and dry
- serve


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