Rava and sesame seeds Laddoo

Rava and sesame seeds laddoo is a quick dessert which can be prepared within no time. Usually, we will be preparing either only Rava laddoo or on sesame laddoo, but a combination of these two is something to try out. A perfect combination, which will be liked by all.

Here I have added ghee to bind the laddoos as I want to store them. You can add little ghee and little milk to bind, but if milk is added it should be consumed within a day. You can increase or decrease the amount of ghee or sugar as you like. It all depends on upon your tastes and preferences.

This is one of the easiest sweets which can be within less time. This can be stored in airtight containers and in refrigerators it will stay fresh for a long time.
  1. Rava/ Semolina- 2 Cups
  2. Sesame seeds- ½ Cup
  3. Powdered Sugar- ¾ Cup
  4. Cardamom powder- 1 tsp
  5. Ghee/ Clarified Butter-½  Cup
  6. Nuts- few

  1. Roast the semolina till light brown and keep this aside to cool.
  2. In the same pan roast the sesame seeds till it gets crispy and keep this aside.
  3. Melt clarified butter and keep this aside.
  4. Fry nuts in 1 tbsp of ghee.
  5. Grind the cooled semolina to a fine powder and drop this in a bowl. Grind the roasted sesame seeds to fine powder and drop this into the same bowl along with powdered semolina.
  6. Add the powdered sugar, fried nuts, cardamom powder and required amount of ghee in the bowl and mix well with hands.
  7. Pour the ghee little by little and mix . Take small portions and roll them into balls. Store these in airtight jars and enjoy when needed.


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