I love the old recipes from the Cornish Ladies of the 1960s WI. This is another of their wonderful recipes. Just delicious.

Butter a shallow ish square tin 6” x 8” and pre heat your fan oven to 170C

4 oz butter
4 oz soft dark brown sugar
1 large egg
tablespoon treacle
4 oz self raising flour
4 oz chopped dates
2 oz chopped walnuts
2 oz sultanas
pinch salt
vanilla extract

In a medium bowl, cream the butter and sugar until light and fluffy, then beat in the egg. Stir in the rest of the ingredients and spread into your prepared tin.

Bake for about half an hour, or just over, leave it in the tin and carefully cut while hot then leave to cool. Dust the top with a sprinkling of caster sugar while hot.

Yum Yum

PS - Why are they called Caramel Fingers? Just a yummy dark sponge mix really. Hey ho, who am I to disagree with a lady from the WI?


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