A fitting post to wish you all a very Happy Christmas and New Year. I made these last Friday for St Piran’s Bridge Club, Carnon Downs and they disappeared in moments. I love cookie cutters with festive designs to vary the lids, I also love frangipani topping!

My pastry is delicious, crumbly, melt in the mouth and made very quickly, especially if you have a food processor. I never rub in, too much like hard work.

I also rarely make my own mincemeat as the luxury brands are so good. My favourite is Lidl’s Deluxe Rum and Raisin or their Spiced Brandy.

Basic Sweet Shortcrust pastry.

8 oz plain flour 
a tablespoon of caster sugar
5 oz very cold butter, roughly cubed
[zest of an orange - optional]
1 large egg yolk
1-2 tablespoon cold water

Place the flour and butter in the food processor and blitz [or rub in]. I pulse, it will take a few seconds. Add the yolk and water and pulse again, until it starts to form a lump. Tip onto a floured surface and bring together. Place in a poly bag and chill for about 10-15 mins. No more. The secret of good pastry is to handle it as little as possible. 

Frangipane topping

4 oz softened butter
4 oz caster sugar
almond extract, about ½ teaspoon

Cream the above until very light and fluffy. Add:

2 beaten eggs

Beat well, add:

1 tablespoon plain flour
4 oz ground almonds

Mix well and set aside until you need it. Pre heat your fan oven to 190C. You will need two bun tin trays.

Roll out the pastry and cut your bases and tops. Fill the cases with mincemeat [not quite to the top] and cover with your cut pastry shape or a heaped teaspoonful of the frangipani mix.

If using frangipani, sprinkle over some slivers of almonds. Also only half fill the cases to allow room for the frangipane.

Bake for about 18-19 minutes. I like to turn front to back halfway through.

Note: Tip - whatever you do, do not use Robertson’s or any cheap mincemeat. The liquid content is too high.

The frangipani mix will make 20 toppings.

Enjoy your Christmas and I will be posting a new recipe on the 2nd January 2018! Thank you all so much for following my page and Blog.

Laurie, Penryn x


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