Cauliflower steak and chermoula

Cut a cauliflower lengthwise in 1,5 cm slices and lightly cover in coconut oil.
Then make the chermoula,  there are many recipes, but we prefer the one that Amanda Ursell published in the Times. Roast 1 table spoon of sesame seeds, 2 tea spoons of cumin seeds and 2 tea spoons of fennel seeds in a dry pan. Grind them in a pestle. Mix them with a bunch of fresh parsley and a bunch of fresh coriander, 2 cloves of garlic, 2 teaspoons of paprika powder, some orange zest and enough olive oil to make a thickish dressing with the blender.

Bake the cauliflower in a 200 C oven for 20 mins.

Boil some eggs

Serve as shown 

A Sarah Britton recipe.


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