Lobster tail, carrot foam, furikake Recipe

Bring 500ml water to the boil with 8g kombu and 1 tbsp katsuobushi flakes to make a dashi.

Rougly cut 200g carrot and boil in the dashi for 20 mins.

Put the carrot in the blender with a cup of the dashi, put through a sieve.

Mix 2 tbsp furikake (a sesame seeds and seaweed mix, from a jar) with 1/2 tbsp popped (puffed) quinoa.

Stick teaspoons in 2 lobster tails to keep them straight and boil them in the dashi, 1 min per 30g of weight.

Then rinse under cold water to stop the boiling process.

Warm the carrot, season with salt and pepper, cut 50g ice-cold butter into cubes and whip them into the carrot/dashi to create a beurre blanc.

Get the lobster meat from the shells and serve as shown, finish with sumak and edible flower(s)

(Here the original recipe from Culinaire Ambiance in Flemish)

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and have a look at my book Breakfast in Gascony on Amazon for your Kindle

from simple food, looking good
Lobster tail, carrot foam, furikake Recipe

from Sweet Cake

Lobster tail, carrot foam, furikake Recipe https://sweetteabiscuits.blogspot.com/2022/06/lobster-tail-carrot-foam-furikake-recipe.html


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