Smoked eel, celeriac, lime Recipe

Clean but do not peel a celeriac. Season with salt and pepper and put a knob of butter on top, then tightly pack in 3 layers of alufoil. Put in a 160°C oven for 3 hours.

Mix 37g lime juice with 5g ginger syrup, 20g water, 20g sugar and 2g agar agar. Boil for 2 mins, then pour in a glass container and cool in the fridge for at least 30 mins to create a jelly.

Hack 20g chives, warm in 45g sunflower oil at 50°C the put in the blender for 5 mins. Mix 60g cream with 50g sour cream and season with salt and pepper.

Slice a smoked eel in nice rectangles, put the left overs with mayonaise in the blender to create a smoked eel mayo.

Start plating with the chives oil, mix in the cream to create a shift sauce.

Cut the celeriac in nice blocks with the smoked eel on top.

Finish with dots of eel mayo and tiny blocks of lime jelly 

(Here Haroldkookt's original recipe in Dutch)

from simple food, looking good
Smoked eel, celeriac, lime Recipe

from Sweet Cake

Smoked eel, celeriac, lime Recipe


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