Hot smoked salmon, Baharat creme en pickled veggies Recipe

A day in advance mix 1,5 dl sunflower oil with 1 tbsp Baharat.

Next day xix 100g caster sugar, 100g water, 100g vinegar, 5 blackpeppercorns and 1/4 deseeded red chili. Bring to the boil, simmer for 10 mins and cool.

Use a perissiene scoop to create 6 balls of cucumber. Put 3 cherry tomatoes under boiling water, then cold water then remove the skins and halve them

Cut a pumpkin in a 4x 7 cm retangle, then use a peeler to create 6 thin slices.

Put the cucumber balls, the halved tomatoes, the pumpkin slices and 10 shimeij mushrooms in the pickling mix

Sieve the Baharat oil.

Mix 31g egg white, 21g sushi vinegar, 3,5g yuzu and 28g yogurt with the stick blender, then slowly add the Baharat oil to create a thick creme. Transfer to a piping bag. 

Cut 120g hot smoked salmon in nice cubes.

Tightly roll up the pumpkin slices.

Serve as shown, with some nice salad leaves

(Recipe by Librije's Atelier)


from simple food, looking good
Hot smoked salmon, Baharat creme en pickled veggies Recipe

from Sweet Cake

Hot smoked salmon, Baharat creme en pickled veggies Recipe


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