Guinea fowl and red fruit sauce
As I could not buy 2 pidgeons yesterday I went for a nice plump guinea fowl, but yes, the recipe is basically the same as you saw earlier for a pidgeon. Start a day in advance by with preparing a hot oven, 250 C is what we need. In the meantime remove both legs and breasts from the bird. Put the carcass in the oven till almost burned, about 10- 15 mins should do it. Take out and turn the heat to 80 C. Hack the carcass in 4 or 5 pieces and add them to a liter and half of cold water, in a big pan. The add 2 bayleaves, 2 halved onions (skin on, to colour the stock), 2 halved tomatoes, 2 carrots sliced into chunks, some thyme and a clove of garlic. Simmer for 6 to 12 hours. Put the legs in a ovenproof saucepan, not too big, they should just fit. Cover with duck- or goosefat and put them in the cooled-down ( 80C) oven for about 3 to 4 hours to make a confit. The breasts, in clingfilm,are left in the fridge Overnight leave the legs in the fat. The next day strain the stock trough a fine siev