Klenyem ( cassava with palm sugar cake )

Klenyem ( cassava with palm sugar cake )

In Indonesia, cassava into food staple food after rice and maize. Benefits of cassava leaves as a vegetable has a high enough protein, or for other purposes such as pharmaceuticals. The wood can be used as a garden fence or in the villages are often used as firewood for cooking. With the development of technology, cassava used as a basic ingredient in the food industry and raw material feed industry. In addition it is also used in the pharmaceutical industry.
now indonesia original recipes will share how to make cassava with palm sugar cake, in indonesia usually called " klenyem "

ingredients Klenyem ( cassava with palm sugar cake ) :
- 500 grams cassava
- 50 grams sugar
- 1/4 coconut
- 125 grams palm sugar ( to filling )
- salt 

how to make Klenyem ( cassava with palm sugar cake ) :
1. Peeled cassava, then wash and finely shredded up
2. Peeled coconut, then wash and finely shredded up
3. mix together sherdded cassava and sherdded coconut until blended
4. add salt to taste to savory
5. Form the dough oval or round like as picture, and then fill it with palm sugar
6. heat vegetable oil and fry to brownish yellow ( fry with medium fire )
7. lift dry and serve


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